8 Reasons Spring is the Best Time for Gutter Repair

Through the blustery and cold seasons of fall and winter, our home’s exterior takes a lot of damage. Ice expanding in the sidings and trim, bugs and birds settling into the warm crannies, and the winds pushing the walls to the max can leave your home wanting for warmer weather. As that weather comes, the drive to make improvements on our outside environment comes with the expectation of making what’s already there shine just a little brighter. Though it might be true that gutter repair may not be on the forefront of your mind this season, we’re here to say maybe it should be!
Gutters on a home play a big role in keeping the house’s exterior neat and tidy and the underlying foundation nice and dry, but these helpful systems can break down over time. Debris, rust, clogs, and cracking can contribute to the overall downfall of your current gutter setup. It’s important to schedule gutter repairs before any major damage happens, and here’s why Spring is the best time to mark that off your to do list!
1. Spring means rain.
We’ve all heard the saying “April showers bring May flowers”, but little is mentioned about the water management systems we rely on to keep our homes dry. During the fall and winter months, gutters can become dirty and clogged with fallen leaves, ice, and other debris that would cause a breakdown in your gutter system. Cleaning them regularly helps, but before the rain puts a damper on your warm weather plans, get a professional to look at your gutters and make sure they’re in tip top shape.
2. Wear and Tear.
Gutters are built to last, but that doesn’t mean they’re infallible. Over time, just like with anything else, gutters need to be replaced or repaired. Small patches might not be such a big deal, but a whole rehaul of your gutter system can cost a pretty penny. Best to nip problem areas in the bud before they become more permanent issues!
3. It’s nice outside!
Between the gloom of rainy days, most spring afternoons can be spent outside enjoying the sunlight. Whether you decide to make repairs yourself or hire a professional, gutter repairs can mean hours of work outside. Might as well do it at a time where the sun isn’t beating over your head, and the heat outside is tolerable.
4. Greenery is growing, make sure it’s the kind you like!
Spring is a great time for new life and new beginnings. Unfortunately for us, pesky foliage and mold like to grow when it’s warm too. Damp, dark places are perfect spots for spores to settle, and your gutters might be an ideal place! Introducing these kinds of molds to the outside of your home can have some serious health complications for some, so it’s important that your gutters are clean, secure, and ready to go for the spring and summer.
5. Creepy Crawlies and Critters.
During the cold fall and winter months, your gutters might have seemed like a warm and safe place to some unsuspecting creature looking for a safe place to rest. These sometimes unsavory house guests can have some pretty severe consequences, but because Spring is also the season of love, you might be surprised later in the year to a whole extra family living with you. Gutters that are cleaned and maintained regularly, especially in the spring, may be saved from the trouble of evicting these trespassers and save you money in repairs later.
6. Spend now, save later!
Regular gutter maintenance saves the average homeowner several thousand dollars in roof and drywall repair later down the line. The range of average cost of a professional gutter clean and repair service starts at $250, whereas the average cost for replacing a damaged roof due to improperly cared for gutters? $5000 and up!
7. It’s easy to start and schedule, the power is in your hands.
We know that your to-do list this season is a long one, and the choices for high-end professionals can be a bit overwhelming. Just searching for gutter repair costs might be a little bit of a stretch, but every responsible homeowner knows that the long term investment payoff is worth the cash. Google is a great resource for finding reputable professionals, by typing in key like “ gutter repair near me” or ‘gutter contractors near me”, you have the opportunity to review dozens of great providers for such a vital service.
8. Property value goes through the roof!
Sometimes literally. With spring and summer being the prime time to buy and sell property, conditions of the outside amenities are under heavy scrutiny. With gutters being such a crucial system, making sure yours are presentable and functional can easily add a few hundred dollars to the value of a property. An owner looking to sell during the spring or summer should make sure to mark this off the list before going to the market.
The spring and summer seasons are great for outdoor fun in the sun and family home improvement projects. While you get excited to start the latest college try at a backyard garden, remember to pay special attention to the gutter system responsible for keeping your happy home dry. We encourage you to use that rainy day fund to prepare for the actual rainy days ahead to save you a little heartache later down the line. There’s nothing like the peace of mind to know that no matter what the new year brings, it won’t bring your gutters down.
Just like the common spring clean, gutter repair should be an annual consideration for any well-kept, well-loved home. Spring time is the best time to dig your heels in and get the less than fun stuff done before settling into the laid-back summer routine. Contact a professional today, you may be surprised at how easy and affordable gutter maintenance and repair can be. Your family, your house, and your wallet might just thank you.