5 Gutter Downspout Extension Ideas For Your Home

Gutters and their repairs can be one of the most important long term investments you can make to the longevity of your home, particularly when talking about the downspout. As commonly described, a downspout is an extended pipe or flow pattern that allows excess water to run off away from your home for the purpose of protecting the underlying foundation of the house. In general, a good downspout redirects water up to four feet away from the home, but achieving this optimal distance might require a bit of an extension. Great downspout extension ideas are not hard to come by if you know what you’re looking for, and professional services may help to specialize your downspout based on your house’s needs.
Downspout extenders are subject to seemingly limitless options, and having such a broad variety of solutions can make it hard to pick just one. Outdoor projects are among the most researched in the spring and summer months, so putting your best foot forward here can really make a difference in the outcome of your gutters. Installing rain gutters and their extenders can be a great DIY project, so here are a few downspout extension ideas to get started!
1. Buried Drain Pipe.
The initial installation of a buried drain pipe can be a bit of a task. It normally involves digging far enough down to accommodate a slope and flow pattern for the water to go. As long as the water lets out on the other side as planned, this is a great way to make sure that the water ends up far away from your house! This is a great and long term way to manage the flow of water, though keep in mind regular maintenance and cleaning may still be required. Having some kind of outlet or way of getting into the pipe without digging it up can help with future maintenance and replacement costs later down the road. When it comes to home improvement, its best to plan for the worst, and hope for the best!
2. StealthFlow Pipe.
Much like a buried drain pipe, stealth flow pipes are meant to be hidden. Usually made of a grade A plastic or otherwise easily to find metal, Stealthflow pipes have small holes through the length of them, allowing water to be easily dispersed. These pipes are normally also flat to the ground, making them easy to cover up with gravel or garden shrubbery. If you choose the latter, be sure to pick a shrub with a lot of water requirements, since you don’t want to drown a water resistant plant! StealthFlow pipes are a great means of adding a drainage options without taking away any value or curb appeal of your current gutter setup.
3. Aluminum Extensions.
By far the most common solution in residential areas, the aluminum extended downspout is a generally inexpensive addition to the preinstalled gutter pipes and allows for a quick and easy install. Simply pop the extender on and you’ve got a redirector in seconds. There are fallbacks to this method, however, since the ability to fully direct where the water goes is strictly linear and a little limited. On top of that, the curb appeal of a hunk of metal sticking out of your house might not be as nice, but the efficiency and cost of this method cant be beat! Like most on this list, these extenders can usually be found at any lawn and garden or hardware store.
4. Splash Blocks.
Commonly used in areas with not a ton of water overflow, splash blocks are trapezoid shaped concrete slabs made for the purpose of redirecting water. They extend the downspout without being attached to it generally, so it looks a lot nicer for homeowners looking to sell. These can also be decorated and styled to a homeowner’s liking, making it a fun and expressive means of water management. The water flow does not normally extend as far as the previous three options, but can be customized based on need. If going with the splash block option for the customization of the extender, be sure to surround the splash block with other drainage material like gravel or small wood chips. These additions to this downspout extender idea will help to jazz up the pipe, as well as catch any excess water too close to home.
5. Rain Barrel.
In some states, the collection of rainwater for the purpose of outside use is prohibited, but in the states where this is not enforced, rain barrels are great ways of catching and retaining usable water. Great for watering indoor plants and other such foliage, collecting water in this way saves the foundation of your home while giving you an opportunity to put that water to good use! Be sure to be aware of any legislation that might prohibit the reuse of rainwater, and cover when not in use. Stagnant water can be a great breeding ground for pests like mosquitoes, so a cover will do nicely to keep those pests out!
All in all, this mere handful of options just barely scratches the surface of what’s possible in the world of downspout extender options. Something we highly recommend is getting a professional opinion, even if it’s not the one you end up with at the end of the day. Contractors for gutters and gutter repair consultants in your area have the expertise and know how to ensure your home stays nice and dry in the upcoming rainy seasons. It’s important to review all options to make sure you’re doing what’s right for you and your home.
Downspout extenders might not be at the top of your outdoor to-do list this year, but keep in mind that easy and readily available solutions can be found everywhere. A little know how, a few words of advice, and an hour of effort can save hundreds if not thousands of dollars in home repairs due to water damage. What’s done now can be saved later!